Reducing Business Risk | HighPoint | Benefits

Reducing Operational Risk Through Digital Transformation


Organisations face an ever-increasing volume of attacks that are growing in sophistication far more quickly than the necessary skills to defend against them are being acquired. At the same time the legislative burden that businesses face related to the protection and management of personal data is increasing significantly with fines for negligence sizeable enough that they can put the future continuity of the organisation in serious jeopardy.

Today’s reality is one where businesses are under constant automated attack on many levels and threat protection, defence and response must also be constantly enforced and updated at every level to mitigate and reduce the risk to the business. Digital transformation provides organisations with the opportunity to rethink information security and make security integral to every component of the Software-Defined Infrastructure so that applications and data are comprehensively secured wherever they reside.


Traditional approaches to IT infrastructure security follow an overlay, perimeter-centric framework that simply isn’t effective in countering the threats facing the Agile Enterprise. Applications, data and customer-access now extend far beyond the boundaries of the organisation in order to support the pace at which the business needs to operate. Security, therefore, must be context-aware and adaptable, travelling with applications wherever they reside in order to provide consistent and effective enforcement of corporate security policies and protect effectively against malicious activity.

HighPoint’s design for Secure, Software-Defined Infrastructure inherently requires that organisations take an integrated and comprehensive approach to information security from the outset. Granular and layered, defence-in-depth protection is complemented and controlled by centrally managed policy-driven access where the infrastructure is leveraged as a sensor to detect, isolate and remediate attacks. The result is specific risk mitigation, comprehensive protection and robust compliance across the Agile Enterprise by design.


In the Agile Enterprise, the IT environment extends well beyond the boundaries of the corporate network. Systems, applications and data reside in a hybrid, multi-cloud environment and are available to end-users and customers at any time, on any device, from any location.

Protecting corporate assets and data in this environment requires consistent, context-aware, automated enforcement of centrally defined and managed policies. Combined with next-generation security operations, the Agile Enterprise has confidence in meeting the threat of cybercrime without compromising business agility.


The Agile Enterprise has auditable visibility of the individual and aggregate security policies being applied within each context of the Secure, Software-Defined Infrastructure. Continual monitoring and analysis of threats, combined with automated pro-active defence actions and prescribed threat-containment and response procedures ensure that the Agile Enterprise can demonstrably confirm the most robust compliance at all times.



To understand how your organisation could benefit from Secure Software-Defined Infrastructure, simply complete the contact form and we will connect you with our specialist team.