Application Assurance | HighPoint | Solutions

Application Assurance

Enabling The Best Possible Digital Customer Experience

Understanding Application Performance

Customer Loyalty is dependent on the digital experience you provide them, get it wrong and customers will leave, and your reputation will be tarnished. The challenge is knowing how your digital applications are performing every minute of every day when they reside in complex hybrid-cloud environments with a myriad of dependencies.

Traditional Application Performance Monitoring is no longer sufficient. You need to understand more than historic uptime figures, you need to have visibility of how your applications are performing right now, the experience they are delivering to customers and have the ability to automate application optimisation to continually deliver against your defined baseline.

Our guide explains how you can gain deep understanding of your applications, establish baselines and put in place tools and automation to deliver the best possible experience. Complete the form to download your copy.

Download: Application Assurance for a Digital Era


Traditionally the customer experience revolved around the in-person engagement, the High Street shop, the local branch, or the contact centre. It was people engaging with people to deliver the customer service that defined your brand value.

Today this has changed. We now live and operate in a digital era where more and more customers engage with you online. What now underpins your customers’ experience are the applications that run on your digital infrastructure and the challenge that you face is how you measure, manage, and continually improve this experience.

This starts by understanding your business-critical applications, how they work, what are the dependencies on your digital environment and how you can ensure you are delivering the best possible customer experience.


The goal is to understand, improve and assure your digital application experience and we believe there are three steps to achieving this:

VISIBILITY – Establishing an understanding of the business-critical applications’ components, application flows, security posture, location, and performance. Mapping the dependencies to produce a complete view of how the various strands come together to make the service work.
INSIGHT – Understanding whether the application is meeting performance, security and location requirements. Gaining a real-time view of the application characteristics and analysing the placement of components to determine whether location affects performance.
ASSURANCE – Reaching the stage where telemetry, performance metrics and thresholds can be measured and provided in real-time. Anomalies against a known baseline can be identified and alerts provided to the right technology or application team to take appropriate remediation steps.


Exceptional Customer Experience

Having a precise understanding of how your applications operate and perform, enables you to proactively assure the user experience.

Improved Operational Efficiency

Switching the emphasis from fighting fires to proactively monitoring, managing, and improving the performance of business critical applications.

Robust Compliance & Security

Component level visibility and application mapping ensures that data is always retained and processed in a fully compliant and secure manner.



If you are struggling to ensure the performance of your critical digital applications and would like to understand our approach to application assurance, we would love to talk.

We can connect you with one of our solution specialists that can explain how we think about application assurance and the process we follow to help our clients deliver the best possible digital customer experience.